Image credits:
Shaunak Modi
Marine Life of Mumbai

Marine Life of Mumbai (MLOM) aims to present to you the fascinating array of marine life right here on the big city’s shores. To take you on a journey of rediscovery of these forgotten natural treasures. And to collectively think about what we stand to lose if these seaside spaces, in many ways the lifeline of the city’s existence through the ages, continue to be ignored in the face of the city’s bigger ideas.

Year of Initiation:
Project Coordinator:
Shaunak Modi
Role in the project:
Core Team Member
Institutional Affiliation:
Director, Coastal Conservation Foundation
Marine life
No. of participants:
100 - 500
Geographical spread of project:
Further information:
Our project covers the shoreline of along the Mumbai Metropolitan Region.
Purpose of the project:

To bring awareness about Mumbai’s marine life and create a baseline of intertidal marine biodiversity found along the city’s shoreline.

Coordinating institution/organisation:
Coastal Conservation Foundation
Location of the coordinating institution/organisation(s):
Data availability:
Immediately available to anyone
Participation in language other than English:
Other languages allowed for participation:
We are actively attempting multilingual online outreach, starting with English and Marathi.
Appropriate age groups of participants:
All age groups
Citizen participation through:
Website, Other
Other modes of participation:
We conduct shorewalks for citizens. We encourage them to document marine life and contribute to our database on iNaturalist.
Why should people participate:

Some of the biggest hindrances to marine conservation in India are the lack of awareness and knowledge gap. With MLOM, we bring awareness – via our public walks and help bridge the knowledge gap – via our open access database.

Prior knowledge or expertise required:
