Image credits:
Satish Chandra
Bird Count India

Biodiversity conservation action requires information about the status of habitats and species. Even for birds, arguably the best-known group of animals in India, only a few species are well understood. Our project addresses this information gap by generating data on the distribution, abundance, and seasonality of India’s birds such that it will be possible to monitor most species in almost real-time. This will act as an early warning system for species declines. We accomplish this by engaging birdwatchers and birding groups, assisting them and working with them to better document and monitor Indian birds.

Year of Initiation:
Project Coordinator:
Mittal Gala
E-mail Address:
Role in the project:
Project Coordinator
Institutional Affiliation:
No. of participants:
Above 1000
Geographical spread of project:
Further information:
Our project engages with birdwatchers across India
Run through an umbrella platform:
Purpose of the project:

Our project’s aim is to work with birdwatchers across India, encouraging them to document birds through a global listing platform called eBird. Such documentation helps to establish baselines and to monitor changes in bird abundance, seasonality, distribution, and trends.

Coordinating institution/organisation:
Nature Conservation Foundation (NCF)
Location of the coordinating institution/organisation(s):
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Data availability:
Available upon request, without a fee
Participation in language other than English:
Appropriate age groups of participants:
Youth (15 - 21) yrs, Adults (21 yrs and above)
Citizen participation through:
Website, Mobile application
Why should people participate:

As amateur wildlife enthusiasts become more aware of the current biodiversity loss, one of the most effective way of documenting biodiversity is to work with them. Our project provides a pathway for birdwatchers to play a larger role in bird conservation.

Prior knowledge or expertise required:

The only requirement to participate is interest in birds